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New Year’s Eve in the World, which is the first and last country to celebrate?

New Year’s Eve in the World. Here is the first and last place to celebrate the longest night of the year and to welcome 2024.

This is it, the longest night of the year and one that will ferry us with a flood of festivity, colors and excitement from 2024 to the long-awaited 2024 has arrived, and it is ready to conquer us all and in every end of the world. Festivities, events, traditions mixing and overlapping with each other from East to West, giving one set of emotions after another to every inhabitant of Earth.

Why yes, this holiday is celebrated everywhere in a roundup of events that mark the night of New Year’s Eve with a flood of lights, fireworks and traditions one more beautiful than the other. But where in the world do New Year’s Eve celebrations start and where do they end?

New Year’s Eve in the World

The first to toast New Year’s Eve in the world are the beautiful islands of Oceania and in particular Christmas Island, also known as Kiribati. A wonder that is part of the Equatorial Sporades archipelago and that, every year, before anyone else, starts with the festivities that say goodbye to the old year while welcoming the new one.

The last chime of New Year’s Eve in the World, however, sounds at Hawaiian Islands (about the time in Italy we set the table for lunch on January 1, at 12 noon) but also in Alaska, also among the places where New Year’s Eve in the world is celebrated when everywhere else people are already asleep or finishing their celebrations.

But let’s take a good look at how these places will dedicate themselves to the celebration of New Year’s Eve, giving their inhabitants an unforgettable and sparkling night in every respect.

The first place where New Year’s Eve is celebrated.

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For example, starting from the very first country (taking our time zone as reference) where New Year’s Eve is celebrated in the World, Kiribati. A wonderful atoll, located in Oceania, a beauty of the Pacific Ocean and also the first inhabited place on Earth where we give the welcome the new year celebrating the New Year according to local tradition.

A series of festivities that start while people in Italy are still intent on preparing for the evening, around the time when it is noon here, the time when in Kiribati people start dancing to wish each other a happy New Year.

And the latest

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Last in line, however, are the Hawaiian Islands, which amid beach parties, fireworks and shows of all kinds, are bidding farewell to the year just ended to celebrate with every honor possible the arrival of the long-awaited 2024, in a flurry of entertainment, music and every possible attraction for partying.

But not only that. Because as mentioned, Alaska is also among the last countries to celebrate New Year’s Eve in the World. A New Year’s Eve in the cold, therefore, but one that is nonetheless able to warm the hearts of the inhabitants and those who attend out of curiosity, enjoying the unique beauty of this land and its traditions related to the longest night of the year and the most anticipated celebration to start again with a full load of energy and good intentions all dedicated to the year to come.

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