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From New York to Moscow, here are the cities on the Planet with the most Billionaires.

Maybe to get rich you have to live here, in the cities with the most billionaires in the world.

What it takes to become rich? Well, for sure dedication, work and ingenuity; and not all those (fake) secrets that so-called “fuffaguru” reveal on Instagram, but only after lavish payment. In addition, you always need the ever-present dash of luck, and then something that perhaps few have ever thought of: the residence. Yeah, probably the place in which one lives affects one’s bank account much more than one might think, and not only that. This was revealed in research by a famous U.S. magazine specializing in the economic/financial field, a magazine that decided to rank the cities with the most billionaires in the world. Here, if you want to magically turn into gods. ducks swimming in their room filled with gold coins, hidden inside their mansion or a loft of a metropolis, it may be worthwhile move here.

Those who want to get rich should move here, to the cities with the most billionaires in the world

No, we do not in any way want to tell you the secret to raising your bank account Going so far as to touch the infamous nine zeros. Then again, had we known, excuse us, we would have kept it to ourselves. Our task is certainly not to tell how to become rich, of course, but to tell, looking at it from the outside, the universe of this sort of caste made up of young entrepreneurs engaged in their climb to success, and old foxes of the business sector and the finance Who know all the tricks of the trade. And like any world, like any universe, or reality, this one comes with correlations, whether sharp or hidden, that could hide some great tips for following in the footsteps of the richest men on the planet; and who knows, maybe become, one day, one of them.

And just as we don’t want to talk about secrets that we don’t know, in the same way we also don’t want to talk about professions, which we might not know, or at any rate not know thoroughly. So, we decided to rely on authoritative studies, and research that treats the issue very closely and with an analytical method. This path, aimed at the economic/financial sector, could only lead us into the arms of the star-studded periodical Forbes, which recently published its ranking of the cities with the most billionaires in the world. That is, the places, or rather metropolises, where they decide to live the richest people on earth, or where it is perhaps easier to become one of them.

Yes, the list is made up of some of the largest cities on the globe; yet, Forbes reveals, of the 2,781 billionaires scattered around the world in 2024, some have decided to “retire” to faraway, almost isolated, but at the same time exotic places, such as theIsle of Man, a small village inhabited by fishermen, and Manantiales, a tourist site in Uruguay. Most contemporary moneymakers, however, have preferred classic metropolises to these terrestrial paradises. And so, the path of the big bucks follows the route from New York City arrives at Moscow, and then again Hong Kong, Mumbai, Beijing and many other cities. L’Europe is almost miraculously present in the top ten;

New York: the Big Apple is the most beloved city for billionaires in 2024

new york

Yes, the Big Apple is indeed the city most populated by billionaires in this 2024. In fact, as many as 110 of these billionaires live and work in New York City, nine more than recorded, again by Forbes, in 2024. These include. Michael Bloomberg, among other former mayors, Julia Koch, Jean Madar e Assaf Rappaport.

Moscow: war doesn’t scare the rich, business continues in Russia


The war that has been bringing Ukraine to its knees for more than two years now may frighten the Old Continent and the entire world, but it certainly does not seem to worry the billionaires taking refuge in Russia’s capital. In fact, as many as 74 billionaires are proliferating in Moscow, and their wealth in the past year has increased by a total of $50 billion. Since 2024, the number of resident billionaires has risen by as many as 12, and among the most prominent names are Vagit Alekperov, the richest man in Moscow, and Vladimir Melnikov.

Hong Kong: the air of war blows here too, but so does the air of money apparently

Hong Kong city with the most billionaires

And if the actual war does not worry the billionaires, apparently neither do China’s repeated threats to Hong Kong; and so in this island more than ever at the center of the world, 74 billionaires are “hiding” (four more than last year), including Jean-Louis van der Velde e Solina Chau.

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