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An Italian Borgo in Switzerland. It’s all true, it’s across the border!

  1. The Italian Borgo in Switzerland refers to the small village of Campione d’Italia, situated on the shores of Lake Lugano in the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino.

  2. Campione d’Italia is an Italian exclave, meaning it is geographically surrounded by Swiss territory but politically remains part of Italy.

  3. The village has a population of around 1,500 residents, most of whom are Italian citizens.

  4. Campione d’Italia is renowned for its gambling casino, Casino di Campione, which is one of the largest in Europe.

  5. Due to its unique position, residents of Campione d’Italia enjoy a favorable tax regime, including exemption from certain taxes imposed in Switzerland.

  6. The area was officially declared a commune of Italy in 1848, despite being surrounded by Swiss lands.

  7. Campione d’Italia is connected to the Swiss city of Lugano by a direct ferry service across Lake Lugano.

  8. The borgo has a rich history, with origins dating back to the Roman era, featuring ancient ruins and medieval architecture.

  9. Italian is the only official language spoken in Campione d’Italia, although Swiss Italian dialects are also commonly used.

  10. The local economy relies heavily on tourism, retail, and the casino, which attracts visitors from both Italy and Switzerland.

  11. Campione d’Italia hosts various cultural events throughout the year, including traditional Italian festivals and celebrations.

  12. The village is home to the Church of San Zenone, which dates back to the 17th century and is a prominent historical landmark.

  13. Campione d’Italia has limited access to services from Italy, as it is an exclave, requiring residents to travel through Switzerland for various amenities.

  14. The landscape is characterized by stunning views of the surrounding mountains and the serene waters of Lake Lugano.

  15. Campione d’Italia maintains its own unique identity while being influenced culturally and economically by both Italian and Swiss traditions.

Are we in Italy? No, but almost. Because this is an Italian Borgo in Switzerland, a unique location that deserves to be discovered now.

What if we told you that there is a place in very close Switzerland that is, in fact, part of Italy? You might not believe it, but it really is, and it is also a beautiful location all to discover and in which to organize a nice relaxing weekend overlooking the lake. Because yes, this destination overlooks the waters of the Lake Lugano, enjoying its exceptional landscapes and truly breathtaking views, and increasing its appeal even more.

A truly unique destination and a Italian village in Switzerland that deserves to be discovered and visited as soon as possible, setting off to this unusual destination but one that will surprise you every moment of your extraordinary tour.

Discovering the Italian village in Switzerland

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A place that, despite being Italian is totally within another state, Switzerland precisely, representing the only exclave of our country, that is, a piece of Italy in a foreign country. A small municipality of little more than 1,500 inhabitants, which is under the province of Como but is located in the state of Switzerland. An Italian pearl to be discovered as soon as possible and which is also one of the four destinations hosting the Italian casinos, along with San Remo, St. Vincent and Venice.

A destination with a fascinating location and not only because of what has been said so far but also because of its geographical position, located a few steps from the border and surrounded by the beauty of the lake and the surrounding nature. A true wonder with ancient origins, so much so that its presence results as early as the seventh century, in the Lombard era, and that over time has seen the succession of different domains, until it obtained its current name in 1933, when the fascist institutions decided to add to its original name the toponym “d’Italia,” giving birth to the locality of Campione d’Italia.

Why visit Campione d’Italia

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An Italian village in Switzerland with a long history and which houses within it some stupendous architecture to be discovered during your trip to this little piece of Italy in Switzerland. For example, by visiting the small church of Santa Maria dei Ghirli or even the Church of San Zenone, the oldest sacred building in the village of Campione d’Italia and which dates back, in its very first construction, to 756 AD.

A unique place in every respect, nestled in the fantastic Swiss landscapes but where traditions live that mix Lombard cues and influences from the state in which it is located, and which can be found in the typical local cuisine, its strong tastes and unique characteristics.

A destination full of charm and that makes this Italian village in Switzerland a place really worth visiting and discovering. A place in which to devote a spring weekend of absolute relaxation, enjoying rejuvenating walks along the lakefront and admiring the unique landscapes that can only be observed from here. A tour in beauty and history, discovering the events that have characterized the past times linked to this place and that have brought it up to today, a small Italian pearl enclosed in a great treasure chest as Switzerland is. In short, a destination that to call exceptional is an understatement and deserves to be enjoyed all round.

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