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5 legendary islands for an unforgettable journey between myth and reality

  1. Atlantis:

    • First described by the philosopher Plato around 360 B.C., Atlantis was said to be a powerful and advanced civilization that sank into the ocean due to a catastrophic disaster.
    • Some researchers suggest that Atlantis may have been inspired by real locations, such as the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete.
  2. Koh Phangan:

    • Known for its Full Moon Party, which attracts thousands of tourists each month, Koh Phangan is believed to have a spiritual energy that draws seekers of enlightenment.
    • The island has extensive natural beauty, featuring coconut plantations and white sandy beaches, with many visitors claiming transformative experiences during their stay.
  3. Hy Brasil:

    • This phantom island is said to appear in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of Ireland, shrouded in mist and only visible every seven years.
    • Medieval maps depicted Hy Brasil as a land of rich resources and magical beings, leading to numerous explorations that yielded no traces of its existence.
  4. Shangri-La:

    • Originating from James Hilton’s 1933 novel “Lost Horizon,” Shangri-La is depicted as a utopian paradise hidden in the Himalayas, filled with peace, harmony, and longevity.
    • The concept has inspired countless adventurers and explorers to search for real locations throughout Tibet and Bhutan that may embody the serene essence of Shangri-La.
  5. Elysium:
    • In ancient Greek mythology, Elysium is depicted as a blissful afterlife realm for heroes and virtuous individuals—an idyllic paradise removed from the struggles of mortal life.
    • Various interpretations place Elysium on the edges of the known world, often associated with the idea of an island or meadow where eternal joy and peace could be found.

The island has an extraordinary atmosphere, in its sea, in its natural elements, in its secret places are hidden truly fascinating legends. Let’s discover them…

5 legendary islands for an unforgettable journey between myth and reality

Islands make you dream! They make people dream relaxation and romance, spirit of adventure and something exclusive, the islands are the paradises of fun, but they are also those parts of land that have within them stories and legends that intertwine, where the mythology takes fabulous shape, and it is a moment as soon as you set foot on an island to be inebriated by all the atmosphere that envelops it and makes it fascinating. There are many islands in Europe that are the cradle of so many stories and legends, lands of heroes and princesses, gods and goddesses, and it is precisely those islands that are most taken by storm during the summer that are filled with music and younger crowds. Now that summer is ending, certain islands regain their most authentic charm and can be loved for the myths and legends within them. Here is a “Mythical” journey among the most legendary islands…

Capri: the island of La Dolce Vita that holds more legends, the most famous being that of the Sirens

We start on our journey from one of the most famous islands in our country, the most exclusive, the most loved even by international tourism: Capri. Capri charming, exclusive, with the flavor of the jet set and dolce vita is an island full of legends. This island is characterized by many caves and each of them has a legend to tell. Each of these natural cavities, in fact, it seems it was highly valued by the Romans so much so that they became places to create nymphaea. The Blue Grotto in particular, which is much visited today, has only recently been rediscovered because for so long fishermen in particular were wary of approaching this wonderful place. Popular belief told that the cave was inhabited by evil spirits and terrible demonsi. Another very fascinating legend related to Capri is that of the Sirens. The island, in fact, as told by Homer in the Odyssey, it seems to have been inhabited by the Sirene. Leaving the city of Troy, Odysseus set out to return to his Ithaca. During his sailing where he had to deal with sorceresses, cyclops and even sirens. Legend has it that just as he passed Capri, Odysseus managed to resist the bewitching song of the Sirens by having his sailors tie him to the mast of his ship and plug his ears with wax. Had Odysseus succumbed, he would never have returned to his Ithaca, to his beloved Penelope.


Lampedusa: the island linked to the legend of love

Continuing our legendary journey, and staying in Italy, let’s talk about Lampedusa. This irresistible island with a charm that is both sophisticated and wild at the same time holds within it a truly poetic legend. In addition to the legend related to the myth of Atlantis mentioned by Plato in Lampedusa truly evocative legend lives on, which is the legend of the Hermits. According to the tale that has been handed down from the earliest times, the beginning of the population on this island featured two hermits who lived there, Guido and Sinibaldo. One day, due to a cloudburst, a vessel with only two surviving women ran aground on the coast of Lampedusa, Rosina and Clelia. The two ladies found succor in the two hermits, who would later become their husbands.


Mykonos: the legendary island of light

Pearl of the Cyclades, known for its nightlife at all hours is Mykonos, known for its wonderful sights, for its windmills, the spectacular island named after the grandson of Apollo and son of the king of Delos Anio, and was called the island of Light. This island of volcanic origin according to another legend it was the place where the concludes the Gigantomachy, ended by Heracles’ victory over the rebellious Giants. The bodies of the latter, petrified, gave life to the rocks around the island or Mykonos.

Santorini: the queen of the Cyclades considered the old Atlantis

Beautiful, bright, refined and with an incredible allure, our journey through legends and myths takes us to Santorini, the magical and iconic island of Cyclades. Its legendary history tells that this island was the old Atlantide. Socrates’ student and Plato’s teacher tells that this island of volcanic origin, also known as Thera, center of the Minoan empire. in 1600 B.C. this island was destroyed by a violent volcanic eruption that destroyed it. all of it and allowed the development of ancient Mycenae. All that seems to have remained from that eruption are the dark, red and white rocks of the city of Atlantis, which would have been used to build the palaces of the great city. This story was told in Plato’s Dialogues.

Ibiza: the blessed island of the Balearic Islands.

Today famous for its no-hours movida for its coolest clubs, in times long gone by Ibiza was famous for legends that came to life here. La first dates back to the time of the Phoenicians who believed it to be a blessed island of the gods because of its highly fertile red, non-volcanic soil and because no snakes or animals that can harm humans survive on its soil.

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