Colorful eggs, good rabbits, chocolate are just some of the traditions related to Easter. Here are the most original ones in the world…
La Easter ushers in the beautiful season, it is the feast of the resurrection of life being reborn, it is the time associated with religious rites he mixed with pagan rites. This feast that is never celebrated on the same day of the year, but it is the same day for the whole world. Each country has its own very curious, colorful traditions sometimes fun and playful other times more exciting. Our Easter is linked to the chocolate eggs, to the dove, but every part of the Planet has its own characteristics and its own way of celebrating. We went in search of the world’s most original traditions. Here they are…
The Easter Bunny: the good bunny that conquers the entire Anglo-Saxon World at Easter.
If we have the chocolate egg, England and the Anglo-Saxon countries have Easter Bunny, a cute Easter bunny that is impossible not to fall in love with. He is the symbol of life being reborn and is a kind of Santa Claus because this cute bunny brings toys to good children. His tradition takes inspiration from Eastre the goddess of spring and rebirth embodied on earth by the very figure of the rabbit. Tradition has it that on Easter Saturday, brings children baskets full of eggs colorful, candy and games that can also be hidden and that the children themselves have to look for them, only if they have been good the bambinu find the eggs, just by egg hunting. Along with him in England great protagonists are the Easter Eggs, painted eggs that are given to loved ones as a sign of good luck. Then there are particular areas in England where these traditions are supplemented by theEgg tapping o Egg Jarping a game that features two participants doing a challenge with two colored eggs that are hit with each other and the one who does not have the shell break wins. Like the entire Anglo-Saxon world, there is no Easter without an egg hunt.
Easter makes the World’s Largest Omelet in France.
A rather original tradition that is nonetheless related to eggs. In Haux in the South of France just on Easter Monday, that is, the largest fritatta in the world is made. This fritatta is linked to the figure of Napoleon so fond of eggs that when he visited this town he received a complimentary fritatat for him and his troops. It is on this day that they are fried As many as 15,000 eggs and cooked an omelet by participants of the Giant Omelet Brotherhood to then be offered to all the guests and tourists who go to this location.
Easter in Finland celebrates spring
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La Easter in Finland said precisely Pääsiäinen is a festival combines pagan and religious traditions. It is the witches, bonfires the egg hunt that are mixed with rituals that tell of the passion and resurrection. It is in Finland that more than any other country Easter marks the arrival of Spring and is celebrated in all its vitality. In this country the most characteristic thing is the procession with Little Witches who are bringers of good luck and the Easter bonfire, said Kokko. These small fires are lit in every corner of the country and serve as protection from the evil spirits and other evil creatures that are then re-enacted during Palm Sunday when boys and girls are dressed up as monsters and repeat a ritual much like trick-or-treating on Halloween night.
The Easter tradition in Switzerland wants the ‘Osterbaumli
Also Switzerland has its own traditions, its customs, and in this country they start a week earlier. It is right at the beginning of the week before Easter that people start coloring eggs and keeping colorful bunnies and chocolates of all kinds in the house. While this may all sound very similar to other parts of the World it must be said that in Switzerland there is additionally the tradition of the cuckoo bearing eggs. Everything is also brightened by the tradition of making the Easter tree also called the Osterbaumli: people cut twigs from a tree and put them in a vase and decorate them with colored Easter eggs, which, by the way, do not have to be real.
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